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Sports marketing versus marketing in sports

Sports marketing versus marketing in sports

Sports marketing versus marketing in sports — the difference is not only in word order.

Sports marketing is a powerful tool that is successfully used to promote not only sports, for example football and hockey teams, but it also works in various business sectors.

When dealing with sports topics, it is worth distinguishing between “pure” sports marketing and marketing in sports. These are two completely different approaches and sets of tools, each of which is good in a particular situation.

Experts believe that sports marketing is very different from marketing in sports. In the first case, we are dealing with pure sports; that is, teams and athletes. In the second, with ordinary marketing in sports, when traditional marketing tools are used in sports-related areas.

Sports marketing has several very specific tasks:

  • Impress the fans.
  • Enhance loyalty to a specific sports club or athlete/player.
  • Encourage journalists to write emotive articles.
  • Encourage the fans to be like their sports idol.

Social networks play a huge role in fulfilling these tasks. This is a powerful tool to attract attention, and very often professionals use all the social media channels. Posts are published simultaneously on Facebook (Запрещенная в РФ организация), Instagram (Запрещенная в РФ организация), Twitter, and many other communities. And for effective work, marketers use auto-posting platforms that allow them to manage all accounts and simultaneously publish to different social networks. Today, there are so many of these services. One of them is Postoplan (https://postoplan.de/), a modern and highly functional platform for automating posting on social networks that allows you to create and schedule posts and promote content.

These tasks allow achieving results that are important for both the sports club and its sponsors:

  • The viewer begins not only to celebrate the team's victory but also can take it pretty hard in the event of defeat.
  • The level of empathy and loyalty rises.
  • The sports club gets a “target audience,” that is, a community of loyal fans.
  • The sponsor gets the opportunity to effectively influence the fans of his club, which means the growing number of potential consumers of the sponsor's product.
  • Seeing the growing popularity of the sports club, the media willingly write articles and posts about it, which become increasingly emotive.

As a result, a huge number of people will learn about the sports club, including both potential fans and sponsors.

Сайты стран: Германия

Ньюсмейкер: Postoplan — 9 публикаций
Сайт: postoplan.de


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